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Innovation of Tire Service

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Complimentary Tire Science and Technology Journal Subscription

Discounted Registration to the Annual Conference on Tire Science and Technology

Professional Networking & Collaboration Opportunities

Continuing Education and Career Development

University of Akron Tire Mechanics Short Course
The Tire Society worked with the University of Akron to offer the short course the week of September 9-13, 2024, together with the Tire Society Conference, at the University of Akron’s Jean Hower Taber Student Center. It is planned to hold this course every other year, so watch this space for the 2026 announcement. This five-day short course will provide students and young engineers a jump-start into tire technology and a survey of the latest developments in tire engineering.

Years of Innovation
Society Members
Represented Countries
Scientific Articles

Tire Science & Technology Journal Highlights

Tire Science and Technology is the world’s leading peer-reviewed journal dedicated to tires. The Journal publishes original contributions that address the development and application of experimental, analytical or computational science which prominently figure the tire.

rotor design diagrams

Comparison of Three Rotor Designs for Rubber Mixing Using Computational Fluid Dynamics

In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for efficient mixers with high-quality mixing capabilities in the rubber product industry, with the focus of producing fuel-efficient tires.

technical drawing of a tire

A Laminated Ring on Elastic Foundation Model and a Feedback Contact Algorithm for Tire-Road Contact Analysis

This article proposes (1) a two-dimensional tire model that extends the deformable ring on elastic foundation (REF)

Tire slapping investigation

Experimental Investigation of Tire Slap Noise

Tire noise is an important issue both in the vehicle interior and to the vehicle exterior, since it affects passenger comfort and environmental noise levels, respectively.

“The purpose of the Tire Society is to increase and disseminate knowledge of the science and technology of tires.”

Tire Society Constitution

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