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2025 Tire Society Sponsorship

Sponsorship puts your company in front of the Tire Industry’s most respected and influential experts, at our Annual Conference, while ensuring the critical work of the Tire Society continues to grow in the years to come.

Sponsorship Level H-Rated
ZR-Rated Platinum
Number Available 2
Donation $2,000 $3,500 $5,000
Exclusive mention in dedicated mailing to potential registrants X
Logo on either lanyard or bag X
Exhibit Space Space Adjacent to Banquet Hall2 Space Adjacent to Banquet Hall2
Content played during breaks Up to 1 minute Up to 1 1/2 minutes Up to 2 minutes, played at start or end of break
Content or comparably timed verbal sponsor statement presented prior to first break Up to 1 minute Up to 1 1/2 minutes Up to 2 minutes
Profile in Conference program3 1/4 page 1/2 page 1 full page
Complimentary Conference Registration & Membership 1 2 3
Pull-Up Banner Display4 Inside Break Room Break Room Entrance Main Session Entrance
Logo on Tire Society Website Conference Page, in Conference Mailings/Newsletters/Social Media and shown in Conference Slide Deck X X X
Logo in Conference program3 X X X
Literature available at Registration X X X
Conference Attendee List X X X

1 In the event of more than two requests for ZR Sponsorship prior to April 15, 2025, priority will be given to prior year sponsors.
Space available just outside of Banquet Hall for Gold Sponsors will accommodate up to 10-foot-wide table or display (100 sq. ft.). ZR Sponsor(s) would have up to 300 sq. ft. Limited to first 5 ZR and Gold Sponsors; others down the hall.
3Any content for the Program (advertisement or written profile) must be provided to the Tire Society at by August 1st to be included in the program.
4Sponsors are responsible to supply and transport their own banner to display in the defined areas outside of their exhibit space.

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